Facebook and Social Media Community Management

MangoTango manages online user comments and questions for Facebook, Instagram and more.

MangoTango’s social media team manages online comments and conversations on Facebook and social media pages for clients such as Heineken, Tiger, ABC, PPCBank, the Royal Government of Cambodia, Sovannaphum Life Insurance, and many more.

Responding quickly to online questions and comments improves customer satisfaction and maintains your brand or company’s positive image. 

Our team engages with your online users, ensures all questions are answered, and makes sure any negative comments are addressed.   

We help our clients develop positive communities and networks within their social media channels. Find out how we’ve helped other brands by contacting us. 

Community management on social media is the process of building, engaging, and maintaining a relationship with an online community through several types of interactions.  

Our agency will work with you to establish your online voice, values, and brand personality, so we can accurately represent your company in community discussions. 

We develop or review the standard operating procedures for online interaction and an FAQ of questions and answers. 

Benefits of community management for your business: 

  1. Strengthens your brand’s presence and reputation
  2. Increases audience engagement
  3. Helps identify future growth opportunities


Our agency can provide community management for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more.

Social media management and community management have a lot of similarities, but they most definitely are not the same!

Social media management entails the creation and publication of social media posts, whereas community management means managing comments and questions on the social posts, after the have been published. It is part brand monitoring, part customer service, and actively working to answer enquiries, find new customers, and participate in discussions.

Depending on the size of the project and the scope, the cost will vary. For example, if you want 24/7 coverage it will be a bigger team, and more expensive than coverage during work hours. Contact us to find out more.

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