The Challenge:
The Process:
MangoTango used a human-centered design approach to develop every aspect of the program, starting from research with the target audience in order to understand their needs.
An online searchable database of all available TVET programs in Cambodia seemed like the best idea!
We researched these programs and built a database, included on a website with an easy-to-use interface and easy-to-understand content.
To bring attention to the program, MangoTango developed a brand name and logo, employing test-and-learn principals to understand which messages best resonated with our target.
Finally we built awareness of the resource through digital media, Facebook, and live events at high schools around the country.
The Outcome:
The Result:
The website had 20,000 page visits in 3 months with over 1 million impressions!
- Facebook post: 407K impressions, 2.8% click through rate
- Google Ads: over 300K reached, 1.4% click through rate
- Events with 600+ students.
View the TVET database website here.